
Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add numeric spinner to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group of...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add tile to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group of properties...

To enable using Range Slider, make sure that you activated Ion.RangeSlider plugin. Go to General Settings page and turn on Ion.RangeSlider plugin. Then go to form editor and click on Form Elements Toolbar to add regular text field to the form. To achieve its...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add numeric field to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group of...

To enable using Signature Field, make sure that you activated Signature Pad plugin. Go to General Settings page and turn on Signature Pad plugin. Then go to form editor, click on Form Elements Toolbar to add signature pad to the form. To achieve its...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add a set of images to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add link button to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 3 groups: Basic, Style and Logic. To view/edit certain group of properties just...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to custom HTML code to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 3 groups: Basic, Style, Logic. To view/edit certain group of properties just click...

Hover mouse over on Form Elements Toolbar, and select how many columns you want to add to the form. Once clicked, new column layout will added. You can move any form elements (including other column layouts) into columns. To achieve its properties just do...

Click on Form Elements Toolbar to add submit button to the form. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 3 groups: Basic, Style and Logic. To view/edit certain group of properties just...